Michael Farsworth MD Forensic Psychiatrist

Michael Farnsworth, MD, DFAPA,

Michael Farnsworth MD is a forensic and general adult psychiatrist and a clinical assistant professor of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota.  He graduated from the University of Vermont College of Medicine in 1983 and interned at Hennepin County Medical Center.  He completed his Psychiatry residency at the University of Minnesota. After completing a forensic fellowship in forensics he served several years as the director of Consult-Liaison Psychiatry at St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, consultant to the Ramsey County Detention Center, and forensic consultant to the Minnesota Security Hospital (MSH).  He became the Clinical Director of MSH in 1991 and while there designed the original Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP) in 1992. Dr. Farnsworth served as Medical Director of the St. Peter Treatment Center, MSH, MSOP and Minnesota Extended Treatment Options (METO) until 2003.

For the past 10 years Dr. Farnsworth has served as consultant and Medical Director of the South Central Community Based Initiative Psychiatric Hub.  There he helped develop an extensive Tele-psychiatry clinic network to provide high quality, cost effective, easily accessible mental health services to the 10 counties comprising the Initiative. He also continues to provide nationwide forensic consultation and  is a frequently requested speaker.

Dr. Farnsworth lives in Nisswa, MN with his wife of 28 years, Maureen.  They have two sons.  In his free time Dr. Farnsworth enjoys golf (he builds golf clubs), photography, astronomy, water sports, biking and travel.
